2 Peter 1 :12-15
May 26th 2024, Fourth Holy Day of the month
Pastor Tadashi Nagae


The readers of this letter, the Christians, knew God's grace and walked in its truth. Here it is written, “though”. There were things to beware of. Let us learn two things through Peter's appeal.

The first is to recall God's grace any time. People are prone to forget and to get weak. And when we forget the grace given from the LORD, we tend to grumble a lot and walk away from His will. Let us be aware of this and always recall how much abundant grace we have received from the LORD as we walk our lives.

The second is to do our works with our eyes on the goal of life. Eventually, the time will come when our lives will come to an end. The time will come when we will leave the tabernacle on earth. This is the goal of our lives and also the beginning of our walks in Heaven. We should look ahead to that time, and fulfill the works that we should do now. It may be different for each of us. However, it is important to fulfill the works entrusted to us by God responsibly.

This is a day given to us in the permission of the LORD. Let us always recall His grace and actively fulfill the works entrusted to us!

<The Word of the Bible>
And I will make every effort so that after my departure you may be able at any time to recall these things.
2 Peter 1:15 (English Standard Version)