2 Peter 2:10-14
July 14th, 2024, Second Holy Day of the Month
Pastor Tadashi Nagae
Here, the walking of the false prophets is continuously being described about. We will learn three things from it.
The first is not to walk in the flesh. They walk in the flesh like irrational animals. It is important for us the saved, not to walk in the flesh but walk by the Holy Spirit within the will of the Lord.
The second is that there is a wage for their wrongdoing. They revel in the daytime, not forwarding their mind to the Lord and walking in an insatiable manner for sin. Such a sinful walk is to be rewarded by death. Even Christians are to suffer eventually from detouring or harm if they walk in the flesh.
The third is not to walk in an unsteady mind. The wrong-doers enticed unsteady souls. It is true that the tempters are wicked, still unsteady walking is not good, either. Such attitude is very risky. It is vital not to walk in a wish-washy manner, but to walk steadfastly in Christ.
False prophets are still so many, and temptations from sin are just the same. Let us walk steadily in Christ by obeying His words!
<The Word of the Bible>
They have eyes full of adultery, insatiable for sin. They entice unsteady souls. They have hearts trained in greed. Accursed children!
2 Peter 2: 14 (English Standard Version)