Acts 16: 6-15
February 16th 2025, Third Holy Day of the Month
Rev. Tadashi Nagae, Pastor
Paul and Silas went to the Asian region for their second mission journey. Let us learn three things from this section:
First, God opens a way. They were going to share the Gospel in the Asian region, but somehow, the Holy Spirit forbade it. They went to other areas, but the same thing happened, and they ended up in a seaside town called Troas. That was when God showed a vision to Paul and opened a way for the mission to Europe. God opens a way and guides us according to His will.
Second, God opens a heart. A woman named Lydia was listening to Paul in Philippi, and God opened her heart and led her to faith. And from her home as a base, the missionary work began to unfold. Mission is not by the power of man, but God must work in it. Let us pray that souls in the mission field will open their hearts.
Third, we must not shut our ears to the cries of others. If Paul had shut his ears when he heard the cry of the Macedonian, there would have been no later outcome that was written in the Bible. We also need to keep our ears open to the cries of other souls.
If we hear a cry that God lets us hear, we should pray for that person. And let us do what God shows us to do!
<The Word of the Bible>
And a vision appeared to Paul in the night: a man of Macedonia was standing there, urging him and saying, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.”
Acts 16: 9 (English Standard Version)