2 Peter 2: 17-22
July 28th, 2024, Fourth Holy Day of the Month
Pastor Tadashi Nagae

Today’s section is also about false teachers. The fact that so much has been written about them means that we should be wary of them, and we need to be careful not to take the same path. Let us learn what we should remember.

First, only the Lord can set us free. The things of this world, though they may seem attractive, are like a fountain without water, like a mist that disappears if we blow it. They are not the things that fill our hearts and set us free. Only the Lord, who made us and saved us, can fill our hearts and set us free.

Second, we can walk in a blessed way only if we let the Lord rule our hearts. The false teachers walked like dogs returning to their own vomit, and sows (pigs) rolling in the mire (mud) after washing themselves. If we do not surrender our hearts to the Lord and are ruled by the things of this world, we will walk in the same way.

The Lord loves us as His children and wants to bless and grow us, and He always guides us. Let us not repeat our foolish way of walk! Let us surrender to the Lord and be sanctified daily!

<The Word of the Bible>
What the true proverb says has happened to them: “The dog returns to its own vomit, and the sow, after washing herself, returns to wallow in the mire.”
2 Peter 2: 22 (English Standard Version)