"So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow."
(1 Corinthians 3:7)
As a church that conveys the truth of the Bible to the community, we go to the community to deepen exchanges.
Kanto-Gakuin Nobi-Nobi-Noba-en
Every month, we talk to the children of the Bible for children's worship in the garden. We also have the Bible class time to learn about parenting with the Bible and married couples with parents.
In Christmas, we have worship at our churches and are deepening ourselves as a church that snuggles up to the community using various opportunities.
Link: Kanto-Gakuin Nobi-Nobi-Noba-en (nkg.kanto-gakuin.ac.jp; in Japanese only)

YMCA Totsuka nursery school
I regularly go to YMCA and Tsukasa Children's Garden near Totsuka Station, and talk to the Bible to the children in the children's worship.
I also come to our church once a year and have a time of worship and praise.
As a church in the area, we are deepening our involvement not only for the body but also for children's minds and the growing growth.
Link: YMCA Totsuka (hoiku.yokohamaymca.org/totsuka; in Japanese only)

Isehara District
In a kindergarten in Isehara City, a circle for parenting are being held every month for parents.
We, as parents, need to grow day by day to correctly guide children.
And the Bible says that it is the God of love that grows both parents and children.
In this parenting circle, it is aimed for father and mother to grow together by learning enjoyfully about child care from the Bible.

Park Gathering
The park gathering is held every Saturday from 15:00 to 16:00, near the church, and at Yagi 2nd Park in Yurigaoka danchi (housing complex). The gathering in the park has been continuing since the construction of the current building of the church in Shimonagaya, that has been about years ago.
We have a fun story of the Bible and a cheerful physical play that only be possible in the park such as Onigokko (chase game), jumping, dotch ball, etc. with the kids and friends in the community.
(Currently it is suspended.)