Mark 4: 9
September 1st 2024, First Holy Day of the Month
Pastor Tadashi Nagae
We call this month ‘CS (Church School) Coming Month’.
Jesus said, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” It is important to listen to His word carefully with a righteous heart. Let us learn how to listen to His word.
The first is to listen eagerly.
We are told to crave pure spiritual milk. We should actively attend the meetings where the word of God is spoken, and read the Bible personally. We should not be satisfied with listening to His word only once a week.
The second is to listen humbly.
We should listen to His word with a humble heart like a child. We should not be picky about the Word of God, but listen to it with humility, accepting it as a teaching we need, even if it may sound harsh to us.
The third is to accept His word, obey and dedicate.
If we listen to His word and do nothing, I must say those people have a heart of rocky ground. Those who hear His word with a truly softened heart will obey it and dedicate themselves to Him. As the result, they will bear fruit.
When we listen to the word of God at Church School, worship services, etc., let
us listen with a righteous heart which is pleasing to God. He will speak
abundantly to that person. Let us be Christians who willingly follow the Lord,
dedicate ourselves to Him, and bear fruit!
<The Word of the Bible>
And he said, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”
Mark 4: 9 (English Standard Version)