2 Peter 2:1-3
June 30th, 2024, Fifth Holy Day of the month
Tadashi Nagae, Pastor

Last week, we learned that the Word of God was not brought by human will, but was received from God and spoken (written). However, today’s passage teaches us that there are also false prophets who are not like that.

In the first place, as far as the characteristics of false prophets is concerned, they secretly bring in false teachings and spread them to others; they are also greedy and exploit people for their own gain; and many people are swept away by these teachings and stray from the path of truth.

In the second place, how can we discern false teachings and continue to walk the right path? Firstly, it is to study the Bible well. If you study the right teachings, you will be able to recognize errors as soon as false teachings come. Secondly, it is to examine them. It is necessary to distinguish whether they come from God or the devil. Thirdly, it is to walk with the aim of finishing the race. It is easy to be swept away by the self-indulgence of others. Therefore, it is important to walk always with the aim of finishing the race of faith to the end.

False teachings come from both outside and within yourself. Don’t be deceived, but finish the race of faith!

<The Word of the Bible>
But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.
2 Peter 2:1 (English Standard Version)